Thursday, 27 October 2011

PPD Study Task 2

What is Industrial experience?
-Working within a graphic design agency or along side a designer as an intern or even selling your own work as a freelance designer.
-Putting our knowledge and skills into use in the real world.
-Its about gaining experience and learning about the industry we will be going into.
- Its about communicating and gaining contacts within industry so you start to build a network of people who can help you in the future.

What can you learn from industrial experience?
- How to apply skills in a professional environment.
-How to work and communicate with clients.
-How a design agency comes together to produce work.

What form/format could industrial experience take?
-Studio/agency visits
-Visiting professionals/lectures/workshops
-Freelance work

What areas of industry are you interested in?
-Design for Print
-More hand based/traditional design
What are your concerns about industrial experience?
-It's scary!
-How to go about getting experience
-Do I have enough skills/good enough skills to work within an industrial environment

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