Sunday, 19 February 2012

PEST Analysis

I found this template for a PEST analysis on Business Balls. com, it suggests that you do the PEST analysis
 before the SWOT analysis because the PEST can inform a
 SWOT analysis. I am going to use this as a guide when writing
 the PEST analysis for our company.


-We aim to be an environmental aware company, which
 as a print based company in our current ecologically aware
 climate, is an important issue.

-Arts Council England (ACE) is having its budget cut by almost 30%
 in the government's Spending Review. Which may impact on our
 possible funding and start up costs.

- The UK government department responsible
 for policy and regulations on the environment, food and rural affairs.


 -Economic climate-currently in a bad way, banks may be reluctant
 to give out loans, people reluctant to buy our products/pay for our
 services. How can we make money but still be affordable to our clients.

-The euro zone crisis- may effect trading with other European countries
 and affect our economy. May effect us if we are importing products 
or working with clients in countries that are effected.


 -Print is making a come back, people like to have something they can
 hold and keep. We want to design affordable, good quality prints people
 will want to have. This seems to be growing trend at the moment within
 graphic design.

-We have seen the success of print related events, with the recent Leeds

 Print festival and the interest and excitement that surround it, showing
 print is not dead.

- In our current working situations as students, some of us with part time jobs,
 we have not a lot to loose and minimal commitments and ties, so it works out
 to be a good time to set up a business for us.

-We all have use of MAC computers, cameras and printers but if we are
 going to be specialist print based companies we need to match our
 competitors by investing in the specialist equipment.

-A lot of more traditional styles of printing have come back into fashion
 so we need to find a way of obtaining some of these to use for our work
. Including letterpress, screenprinting, etc.

-We would need to pay for the Adobe software for each of our MACS,
 which will cost a substantial amount; we will need to also buy all the fonts we use throughout our work for legality reasons. 

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